28 Aralık 2013 Cumartesi

teyze şnlemeye baslamisti

merhaba bn burak başımdan geçen bir olayı anlatıcam teyzemle teyzem istanbulda tek başına oturan harika götllü bi hatundu belliydide azmıştı evli değildi amı sik görmemişti bir gün yazlıkta denizden geldiğimde duş almıştım ve odaya girip üstümü giyiniyordum ki birde ne göreyim teyzemin mavi sexsi kilodunu gördüm ve aldım 31 çektim yaladım kokladım çok hoşuma gitti sonra akşam oldu tayzemin ogün belli ağruyordu we teyzem bni yattağım odanın yatağına geldi bnde hemen yerde yatıyordum saatler saatleri kovaladı we teyzem iyice uyudu götü bana dönüktü we üstünde askılı etek wardı askılı etek biraz yukarı çıkmıştı we o seksi kilodu gözüküyordu net olarak bnde fırsat bu fırsat deyerek yanına yavaş yavaş geldim we yan yatıyordu bnde sikimi kilodunun üstüne yerleştirdim we çok büyük bir zevk patlaması yaşadım teyzemin mavi kilodu bembeyaz dölle dolmuştu heryer ıslan mıştı ama bn çok zexk alıyordum birden teyzem inlemeye başladı we hemen gözünü dimdik açık bi şekilde bana gülümsedi ye bnde utancımdan hemen yatağıma gittim oda utan mıştı sonra gitme ne olur dedi kulaklarıma inanamadım ne olur burak birazda sızazla azdım bn deligibi sikdedi bnde ürktüm we tolete gittim sonra geldiğimde birde ne göreyim kapıyı açar açmaz bni tuttuğu gibi duvara yasladı we üstü çıplak ancak kilodu wardı 10dk kadar seviştikten sonra amını açtı ve amının patlatılmış olduğunu gördüm bnde dedim ki hani sen hiç evlenmemiştin oda dedi ki sen sok gerisini boşwer ama dur dedi ilk yala sonrada prazarwatif takım sok dedi yalıyordum delicesine teyzem zevkten çıldırdı sonra uzandı ve amına sokmamı istedi amına soktum artık zevkten mi acıdan mı ağlamaya başladı ve bnde çıkardım saatlerce öpüştük we sabah oldu gün doğmaya başladı bn dedi tmm bukadar bırakmıyordu aç köpek gibi öpüşüyordu azdım azdım die sayıklıyordu itledim onu aşkım bu kadar yeter annemler denize gittimi sen gitme devam ederiz tmm dedi üstünü ataşli bir biçimde giydirdim hala öpüyordu sonra sabah oldu bana bakım duruyordu we kahwaltıda ve sürekli bna dilini çıkartıp bakıyordu bnde tmm işareti yapıp duruyordum ondan sonra annem ler gitti we onu siktim siktim prazarvatifte kullan madım umarım hamile diğildir..

20 Aralık 2013 Cuma

Antalya Seks Hikayeleri

yasım 34 ve Antalya lıyım mailde Adının cemile olduğunu, 28 yasında Dul ve kendi evinde yaşayan biri olduğu tip olarak ise beyaz tenliye yakın, 1,70 boyunda 70 kilo civarında sarı saclı ama güzel olmadığından bahsetti. Ve oda aklından genc birisi ile beraber olmak istediğini ama bunu gercekte basaramadığınından ve yakın zamanda birisi ile beraber olmadığından bahsetmişti Fazla uzun tutmadan görüşmek istediğini belirmişti. Bende ona mailde güzellik onemli değil önce bir görüşelim sonra konuşuruz dedim. Ve ondan gün, yer ve saat belirtmesini istedim. Antalya Escort Bunları yazmıstım ama heyecanlıydım. Ve ertesi gün mailini aldım. Hafta içi bir gün buluşabilirmiyiz demiş bende kabul ettim. Konuşmamızda o benden önce gelecek ve bekleyecekti. Evet nihayet o gün gelip çattı ben öyle saatinde yola cıktım bahsettiği yere gittim sakin bir yerdi. Zaten oraya pek kimse gelmezdi oyle vaktinde yanlız basına oturmuş sigarasını içiyordu oraya gelince biran durakladım heyecanlanmıştım. Kendimi toplayıp yanına doğru yürümeye başladım ona doğru yürürken oda fark etmişti. Yanına varınca merhaba dedim. Oda merhaba can dedi ve tokalasıp masaya oturdum bir an heyecanım azaldı ve bende bir nescafe soyledim. Azda olsa eften püften konuştuk oda bende heyecanlıydık bunu hissediyordum. konuşmayı uzun tutmak istemediğini soyledi ve kendisini nasıl bulduğumu sordu. Bende dediğiniz kadar güzel olmayan birisi değilsiniz güzelsiniz ve fiziğiniz düzgün dedim. Tşk.ederim dedi. Ben sordum ona peki ya siz dedim ? oda benim için uygun birisiniz dedi Ve hemen uzatmadan konuya girdi benim tarafımdan okey dedi sence uygunmu dedi ve bende onay verince o zaman aksam üzeri burda buluşalım buradan gideriz dedi ve ekledi yanlız rahatsız etmek yok sadece ben istediğim zaman dedi. Elbette dedim zaten rahatsız etmek gibi bir niyetim yok dedim.ben fikrinize saygı duyarım dedim hosuna gitmişti. Ve ayrıldık ikimizde farklı yöne gittik. Ben tamamen heyecanlanmıştım aksamı sabırsızlıkla bekliyordum.Nihayet aksam üzeri oldu ve ben aynı yere gittim. Bu sefer içeri girmemiş girişe yakın bir yerde bekliyordu. yanına vardım ve merhaba dedim. oda merhaba deyip yürümeye başladık. Yolda konuştuk ev yakınmış sorun çıkmasın dedim hayır çıkmaz dedi dışarda kalalım dediysemde ev daha güvenli dedi. Yürürken dediki ben simdi onden gidicem sen ise arkamdan gel beni takip et dedi. O önden yürüyordu ben ise onun biraz arkasından takip ediyordum çok gitmeden bir apartmana girdi. Ve bende arkasından girdim. Asansörü çağırmış beni bekliyordu, ve asansöre binip Antalya Escort, Escort Antalya Vip Bayanlar yukarıya çıkıyorduk ki o an onu öpmek geldi aklıma ve asansörde kabine doğru dayadım ve dudaklarından öptüm. 7. katta oturuyordu ve asansör durduğu anda öpmeyi bıraktım. Ve ışığı yakmadan anahtarla kapıyı actı ve içeriye girdim. Girer girmez kapıyı kapatıp sırtını kapıya dayayıp dudaklarından uzunca bir öptüm nefesini kesinceye kadar öptüm. Sonra acele etmeyelim gece bizim dedi. Hiç tanımadığım bir kadınla beraber bir gece gecirecektim cok güzel bir duyguydu. Önceden herseyi ayarlamış, her yeri kapatmış, ve doğru mutfağa geçip oturduk. Önceden yemekte hazırlamış masayı hazırladı ve yemeğe başladık. Yemek esnasında yine konuşuyorduk ve hala çekindiğini sonra rahatsız etmemden korktuğunu yoksa yanarım beni böyle bilmezler dedi. Ben ona sunu söyledim dedimki güvenmeyeceksen simdi gidebilirim söz veririm sana dedim nihayetinde böyle bir sey yasasakda sen bir insansın her sey sen isteyince olur dedim. bu sözlerimden sonra pekala dedi haberlesmek yok eğer görüşmek istersem ben sana mail atarım dedi bende kabul ettim. Yemeği bitirmek üzereydim ve üzerine tatlıda almış afiyetle yedik. Sonra hava soğuk malum oturma odasına gectik küçük bir odaydı içeriside gayet sıcaktı. Sobanın basına oturdum gelip onume oturdu aynı bir cocuk gibi kucağıma oturup sırtını yasladı ve bir süre sessiz kaldı. NE düşünüyorsun dedim evet dedi hala vazgecme sansımız var dedim. Çünkü ayrıldıktan sonra 1 erkek olmuş oda cok nadiren beraber olmuşlar. Peki dedi bir süre daha öylece durduk ve birden başını cevirdi vücudunu da cevirip dudaklarıma yapıştı işte buydu benim dedim içimden Dudakları etli ve dolgundu. Bende onun öpüşüne müthiş karşılık verdim ve öperek onu yavasca yere doğru uzattım dudaklarımı kesmeden ve elini boynuma attı bendebir elimi basının altına koyup diğer elimle de vucudundan tutup iyice seksi öpüyordum. Öpüşmeyi gayet iyi beceriyordu dilini iyi kullanıyor ve resmen nefesimi kesiyordu bende ondan aşağı kalmayıp delice opuyordum. Uzunca öpütükten sonra birden dudaklarını cekip ohhh nefesim kesildi özlemişim öpüşmeyi dedi ve dudağına bir buse kondurdum. Bu esnada sorma zamanıydı tam ve sex de sınırın varmı dedim. Simdiye kadar olanlarda vardı ama bu gece herseyi sınırsız yasamak istiyorum kadınlığımı yasamak istiyorum dedi. O an delirmiştim onu amından, götünden sikicektim vede agzına alacaktı ohh cok güzeldi. Hele götünü düşündükce hiç sikilmemiş bir yerden sikmek cok hos duyguydu. Ve sınırsız olucak gerekli önlemi aldım korunuyorum dedi. Bilmiyorum bu yaşta hamile kalırmıydı ama önlem alması hosuma gitmişti. O uzanık durumda idi ve yanına uzanıp ayağımın birisini ayak aralarına sokup biraz üzerine doğru vücudumu verdim ve dudaklarına tekrar yumuldum. Muhtesemdi içerisi yeterince sıcaktı ve benide bir hararet basmıştı. Öperken ellerimle kazağının altından elimi soktum ve tenine dokundum oh sıcacıktı. dahada dudaklarına bastırıyordum. dudaklarımı cekmeden elimle memesinin birisini elime aldım yasına göre iyiydi dik sayılacak derecede. Ve oda ellerini kullanıp benim kazağımın içine elini soktu ve oda benim tenime dokunuyordu. dudağından dudağımı cekip kazağını çıkartmak istedim ama o doğrulmak istedi doğruldu daha rahat cıkarttım oda benim kazağımı cıkarttı. Ve doğruluk durumda iken optu kulağıma doğru eyilip bir an evvel sik beni dedi o an tamamen delirmiştim. Ve hemen pantolonu cıkartmaya başladım oda benim pantolonu cıkartmaya başladı. Ben kilotla oda kilotla kaldı sütyenininde cıkarmıştım. Kilotunu ise çıkartma dedim ve dudaklarından bir daha opmeye başladım öperek tekrar yere uzattım ve tenimi üzerine verdim sikim tam amının üzerine geliyordu ve dudaklarını opuyordum. ve öperek göğüslerine indim dilimle ucuna dokunup agzımın içine alıyordum ve bir güzel emiyordum onları elimle de sıkıyordum. Daha aşağılara kayıp göbeğini sonra bacaklarını öptüm ve amının üzerine doğru gelip kenarlarından optum. Avucumu dolduracak kadar şişkindi amı oh muhtesemdi ve kilotunu cekip ayaklarından cıkarttım kendimde çıkarttım kilotumu. Bu sefer bir hamle ile o benim üzerime doğru çıktı ve aynı şekilde o beni opuyordu hele agzını sikime getirdiği anda durdu bende elimle basını tutup senindir öp onu dedim. Önce hiç yapmadığı için basından öptü kenarlarını öptü ve sonra basını agzının içine getirip aldı agzına o anda sikim kaskatı olmuştu. Biraz daha agzının içine aldı ve emiyordu içim gitmeye başlamıştı. Ve basından tutup ben biraz daha bastırdım. Bir süre emdikten sonra ben hemen boşalmak istemediğim için çıkarttım agzından ve onun uzanmasını sagladım. Teni yasına göre gayet güzel ve düzgündü bu sefer ben amına doğru kayıp öpmeye başladım. Kenarından optum ve dilimi amının içine soktum soktuğum anda hafifce kalcasını oynattı ve ben iyice yalamaya ve emmeye başladım kalca hareketleri hızlanmıştı. Onu bu şekilde boşaltmak istemiyordum. Ve dilimi cekip üzerine uzandım. Dudağından öptüm. Ve istiyormusun içinde dedim lütfen cabuk ol içimi doldur dedi. Ohhh o uzanıp durumda iken amının onune yerleşip sikimin basını iyice sismiş amının dudaklarının arasına yerleştirdim. Ve oylece durdum, yavaşca ittim sonra ve bir kısmı girince ohhhh diye hafifce inledi. sikimin basını içinde tutup bende üzerine uzantım. Tenimi tenine yapıştırdım ve sikimi hala tam sokmamıştım. Biraz daha ilerleyip hızlıca sikimi soktum amının içine sıcacıktı ohh deyivermişim aynı anda oda ohhh demişti. kalcaları az biraz genişti. Tamamen girmemişti fazla sikişmediği için zorlanmıştım. Bir hamle daha yapıp tamamını içine soktum ve kasıklarımı kasıklarına yapıştırdım. O anda eliyle beni bir sarılısı vardı oh erkeğim sok sok amımı yırt kadınını doyur dedi beni dahada delirtmişti ve kalcalarını oynatmaya başlamıştı. İşte buydu olgun kadınları sevmemin sebebi işini biliyorlardı ve altımda deliriyordu sik sik erkeğim diyordu. Ve bende iyice bastırdım ve buyuk bır cıglık attı bende gelip gitmeye basladım oyleki bana iyice sarılmış durumda iken gidip geliyordum bir süre sıcak amının içinde gidip gelmeye devam ettim.Ve Artık zevk almaya baslamıştı iyice ellerini yana bırakıp yeri tırmalıyordu. Ve bir süre sorna ilk orgazmını yasadı. Ben ise hala devam ediyordum bir süre bekledim içinde ve tekrar gidip gelmeye başladım. bı sefer ben delice gidip geliyor artık boşalma anıma yaklasıyordum ki oda tekrar hızlandırmıştı harekerlerini belliki ikinci orgazmını yasayacaktı. Ve biraz daha dayanıp gidip geliyordum tamam dı artık hissediyordum bosalıyordu ve aynı anda sertce vurdum içine beni kendine cekti ve bosalma amında tırnaklarını sırtma gecirdi ayaklarını kenetledi. Ohh buydu işte sıcacık amının içine akıyordum hemde süper bir şekilde doldurdum içini. En zevk aldığım andı bu bir kadının içine boşalmak hele aynı anda olunca.Erkeğim deyip hala hızlı nefes alıp veriyordu. Bende iyice içine akıtmıştım döllerimi döllerine karışmıştı. Amı sikimi iyice sarıyordu ve ben sikimin tamamını köküne kadar dayamıştım. İyice akıncaya kadar içinde bekledim ve üzerinde uzandım. Oda altta bitmiş bir durumda idi. Ohh erkeğim cok mükemmeldi sabaha kadar sik erkeğim diyordu. bu sözler sikimde kalan son damlalarıda içine akıtmama sebep olmuştu. Ve ter içinde kalmıştık. Durmak istemiyordum bakalım ne kadar performans gösterecekti. İçinden cıktım ve küçülen sikimi agzına soktum ohhh muhtesemdi. Ve 18lıksikim büyümeye başlamıştı agzının içinde küçük halimden yararlanıp tamamını agzının içine soktum ve büyüyünce nefessiz kalıp cıkartı tekrar agzına sokup ıslatıp iyice emip yaladı. Ben agzından cıkartıp ayağa kalktım ve o ise sikimin onunde diz çöktü. sikimi agzına aldı ben elimle basını bastırdım ve artık sikim kaskatı olmuştuki basından iyice cekip cok hızlı sekilde agzında gidip gelmeye basladım. Yeni boşalmış olmamam ragmen boşalmak üzereydim nerde ise 15 dakikadır yalamıp emiyordu sikimi. Ve artık birmiştim basını cekip bırakmadım ve agzının içine boşaldım ohhh ahhh diyordum bunu hissediyordum. Ve gerile gerile sarsıla sarsıla boşalmıştım agzının içine. Ohh ve agzının kenarından döllerim akıyordu. cok hosuna gitmişti akanları bile eliyle agzına katıyordu. Ayakta duracak halim kalmamıştı sikimi son damlasına kadar emdi. Sonra ben yere sobaya yakın bir yere uzandım oda yanıma beni sarmalayıp uzandı. Kulağına Haleım harikaydın dedim o ise cok güzelmiş tadı cok hosuma gitti dedi. Bir süre uzandıktan sonra banyoya gittik ve agzını bir güzel yıkadı ve hafif bir duş aldı ve cıktı. Bende bir duş alıp cıktım odada değildi. Mutfağın ışığı yanıyordu. Önceden cay demliyormuş ve önceden de kek hazırlamış bakım iyiydi yani. Ocağın basında seks hikayeleri iken arkasından sarılıp sikimi kalcalarına bastırdım. kulağına birazdan arkanıda doldurucam dedim. Gülümsedi ve ensesinden öptüm. Üzerimde bir sey yoktu içeri gectim üşüdüm biraz. Benden 20 dk sonra oda geldi her seyi hazırlamış kek ve cayı getirmişti. canım ye ki beni iyi sikesin dedi. seks Oh bu sözleri delirtiyordu. Cayımızı içip kekleri yedik.Ve bu sefer onu tekrar opmeye basladım. Kadınım dedim ben uzanıcam üzerime otur amını agzıma ver sende sikimi yala dedim ve uzandım. Oda üzerime uzanıp sikimi agzına aldı bende amına dilimi soktum. Oh bir süre boyle devam ettik oda bende hararetlenmiştik. Bir hareketle onu üzerimden indirip dudağından opmeye basladım delice karsılık veriyordu. Hale götünden sikmek istiyorum sende istiyormusun dedim. Evet dedi o zaman krem bulurmusun dedim. Hayır kremsiz sikmeni istiyorum dedi anlasılan zorlanmayı acı cekmeyi seviyordu. Peki dedim ve önümde domalttım onu ve arkadan sarılıp ensesininden öptüm kadınım hazırmısın götünü delicem dedim hazırım dedi. Peki dedim acısada cekmem dedim tamam dedi aldırma bana sen sok dedi. oh muhtesemdi erkeğine zevk vermeyi biliyordu. Ve arkasına gectim sikim bu lafların üzerine kaskatı olmuştu zaten.Antalya Escort, Escort Antalya Vip Bayanlar Önce sikimin basını amına soktum ve tamamını gömdüm amının içine biraz ıslanmalıydı. Ohh dedigi anda cektim içinden basını yere koydu ve elleri ile kalcalarını iki yana actı benim için kolaylık olmuştu. Evet muhtesemdi. özlediğim bir andı bu Aysundan sonra bir kadını daha götünden sikicektim. tükrük ile sikimin basını ıslattım sonra biraz daha tükrük de görüne sürdüm. Sikimi iyice götüne yaklastırıp basını götünün agzına koydum. Ve basını ittirdim. Zorlanıyordu ve belinden tuttum bir yüklendim sikim kaydı flop diye iyice sismiş amına arkadan muhtesemdi girdi. Ohh deyip cıkarttım ve tekrar denedim. Bu sefer bir elimle kalcasından tutup sikimi diğer elimle götüne dayadım ve ittirdim. Evet basarıyordum ki kendini cekmişti one doğru kalcasından kendime doğru cektiğim bir anda sikimi bir ittirdim. Fırtt diye götüne girmişti. O anda durdum cunku acı içerisinde kıvranmıştı. Eliyle kalca yanaklarından cektiği için daha bir kolay girmişti ve cok güzel düzgün götü vardı. Artık gerisini sokmak kolaydı ve sikim götünün içinde sekilde sırtına sarıldım ve omuzlarından elimle tuttup yavasca ittirmeye basladım. Zorlanıyordum fazla ilerlemiyordu acıda cekiyordu. İyice eğildim ve hızlı sokucam sıkma kendini dedim o basını salladı ve o esnada hızlıca bir yüklendim. Nerdeyse tamamı girmişti ama Haleda ciyak ciyak kısık sesle acı cekiyordu. Ve Son bir hamle daha yapıp omzundan cektim ve sikimin tamamını sokmustum. Bir müddet kaldım oylece sarılıp bası iyice yere gömülmüş kalcası dimdikti. Sonra ellerinin üzerine doğruldu ve bende arkasında hafifce oynamaya basladım. Ve gidip geliyordum yavas yavas. giderek hızlandım ve artık oda ritim tutmuştu ve kaclasını vurduğum anda bana itiyordu. Muhtesemdi daracık gotunu sıkıyordum. Ve 20 dk kadar seks arkasında gidip geldim. Elimi amına atınca sırıl sıklam olmuştu ve yavas yavas titrer bir hal almıştı. Oylece durup yan taraftaki yastığı altına koydum. Uzandı ve o anda kendini bıraktı sikim cıkmıştı mos mor olmuş kaskatıydı. Deliğe dayayıp bir defa daha yuklendim ıhhh dedi ama tamamını yine sokmuştum. İşte buydu gidip gelmeye devam etti bir süre daha ve altımda titriyordu bosalıyordu bunu hissettiğim anda bende arkına iyice dayadım ve bende bitmiştim döllerimi götünün derinliklerine akıtıverdim. üzerine uzandım hala altımda kıvranıyor titremesi devam ediyordu çok uzun bir bosalma yasıyordu bende az sayılmazdım. Delice içini doldurdum. Ohhh muhtesemdi. Yine uzunda içinden cıkmadım. Ve 5-10 dk. bekleyip durdum. Sonra cıktım içinde ve yanına uzandım. Muhtesemdi cok hosuma gitti bir daha sik dedi. Peki sikerim dedim. Ve boylece hem agzına, hem amına ve hem götüne boşalmıştım. 28 yasında bir kadın için gayet azgındı deliceydi. Ve sonraki ilerleyen dakika ve saatlerde döllerimi hiç bosa akıtmadım. 2 defa amından siktim. Delice doldurdum içini. Bir defa daha götünden siktim. ve bir defada amını yalayarak bosalttım onu. Bir süre sarılıp uyuya kalmışız ve sahahın erken saati uyandık. Sabahleyinde bir posta daha amından siktim yine doldurmuştum içini. Ben bu gücü nerden buluyorum bilmiyorum ama o da gayet mükemmeldi bıkmadan sikismişti. Ve ben dus aldım. Sabah güzel bir kahvaltı yaptık ve sonra kapıda bir süre opustuk. kapıyı kolacan etti ve ben oradan ayrıldım Antalyalı bayanlardan..

17 Aralık 2013 Salı

Kumral kizi guzelce siktim

Merhabalar arkadaşlar. Bundan 3 ay önce kadar yaşadığım bi olayı sizinle paylaşmak istedim. Ben cihan ankaradan 1.78 boyunda ela gözlü kumral bi erkeğim.bundan 3 ay önce yaz tatili nedeni ile balıkesirdeydim taze, seksi, ipeksi vucutlu escort, partner baynalar .tatile yalnız çıkmıştım.tatilin sıkıcı geçmemesi için bi arkaş bulmam şarttı.bu nedenle insanlarla tanışmak için fırsat kolluyordum.bu arada sahilde bi cafede oturuken arda ile tanıştık.biraz hoş beşten sonra bi de baktım ki ardanın yanına 3 kız arkadaşı geldi ve arda beni onlarla tanıştırdı.içlerinden birinin adı SEVAL’dı. Seval 1.70 boylarında kahverengi gözlü kumral bi kızdı.yanımıza geldiğinde üzerinde mavi bikinileri vardı ve muhteşem görünüyordu.acayip bi elektriklenme oldu aramızda.gerçekten çok sık aralıklarla birbirimize bakmaya başladık.cafede bişeyler içtikten sonra plaja ineceklerini ve denize gireceklerini söyleyip beni de davet ettiler ve hep beraber denize girdik.biraz yüzdükten sonra denizin içinde suya taş atıp bulma oyunu oynamaya karar verdik.atılan taşları sürekli ya arda ya da ben bulduğumuz için kızlar sıklıdı ve çıkacaklarını sölediler.fakat seval devam etmek istediğini söledi.bu yüzden ben ve seval devam etmeye arda ile diğerli kumsala gitmeye karar kıldılar.taze, seksi, ipeksi vucutlu escort, partner baynalar evet herşey tam istediğim gibiydi ve yalnız kalmıştık.suya taşı atıyoruz ve bulmaya çalışıyoruz.fakat benim için taş bulmak artık bahane olmuştu.ilkin elimi bacaklarına değdirdim baktım ki tepki yok okşarcasına değmeye başladım bu sefer.buna da tepki vermeyeince elim artık sevalin o çekici vucudunun her yanını avuçlamaya başlamıştı bile. Kalçaları göğüsleri derken elimi vajinasını okşşuyordu artık.inanamıyorum hiç olumsuz bi tepki vermiyordu ben de bundan cesaret alarak adeta elimle sikiyordum sevali. Bu olanlardan sonra plaja gittik ve bana arkadaşlarından gizli olarak telefon numarasını verdi ve akşam aramamı bekliceğini söledi.ben akşamı sabırsızlıkla beklmek için hemen arkadşlardan müsade isteyip otel odama gittim. hava kararmak üzereydi.artık aramamın vakti geldi diye düşündüm ve cesaretimi toplayıp aradım.telfondan gelen ses beni bitirmişti.nefes alış verişi o kadar ateşliydi ki sanki beni azdırmak için böle yapıyordu.akşam buluşmak istediğimi barda beraber eğlenebileceğimizi söledim ve o da tamam oolur dedi.onun 1 saate kadar hazır olacağını söledi ve kaldığı yeri tarif etti.kaldığı yer otele yakında bir saat sonra kaldığı otelin önünde beklemeye başladım. Tam vaktinde gelmişti.inanılmaz çekici görünüyordu.üzerinde siyah askılı bluz içinde sütyen yoktu meme uçlarından anlaşılıyordu altında ise siyah kısa salsa eteği vardı ve müthiş seksi görünüyordu. balıkesirde barlar sahil kenarındaydı.bu yüzden kumsaldan yürüyerek bara gidiyorduk.kumsaloldukça tenhaydı.ben bu durumun fırsat olabilceğini düşünerek plajda oturmayı teklif ettim kendisine ve o da kabul etti.ben içecek bişeyler kaptım hemen ve sigaralarımızı da yakıp sohbete başladık.sohbet derinleştikçe konu sekse geldi ve daha önce yaşadığımız cinsel deneyimlerden bahsetmeye başladık.kendisi bu konuda dertliydi çünkü yaşadığı cinsel deneyimlerin zevkli fakat tatmin edici olmadığını sölemişti.ben de bu esnada dayanamayıp kendisini gerçekten tatmin edebileceğimi sevkin doruklarını yaşayabileceğimizi söledim.ben bunu söyleyince gözlerimizn içine baktı ve ters bi tepki vereceğini düşünürken dudaklarını dudaklarıma yapıştırrdı.dudaklarıne çilek kokulu ruj sürmüştür ve harikaydıl dudakları.dudaklarını emmeye başladım bu arada alimle de göğüslerini okşuyordum.nefes alışverişimiz artık iyice değişmişti.ve otele odama gitmeye karar verdik. odaya geçtik.ne içersin içer misin diye sordum;bubunla zaman kaybetmek istemediğini bir an önce yatağa geçmek istediğini söledi;çünkü gerçekten çok azgın durumdaydı.hemen yatağa geçtik.yatağa bi güzel uzattım ben sevali.dudaklarını emmeye başladım sevalin gözler iyice kaymaya başlayıncaben bu sefer boynunu emmeye başladım.yavaş yavaş aşşağıya iniyordum.önce üzerindeki bluzu çıkardım.tam tahmin ettiğim gibiydi.sütyen giymemişti.göğüsleri çok güzel tam kıvamınada duruyodu.bluzunu çıkartıktan sonra göğüslerini emmeye dil darbeleri atmaya başladım.yavaş yavaş göğüs uçları sertleştti ve kalktı.göğüslerini kıvamına getirdikten sonra göbeğine doğru indim.göbeği muhteşemdi.göbek deliğini ve etrafını yaladıkça aaahhhh aaaahhh seslerini duyuyor ve iyice zevke alıyordum.bu arada elimigötüne götürdüm fakat elime kilot gelmedi dirak olarak o pürüssüz ve yumuşak götü elime gelince şok olmuştum.bu beni iyice azdırdı.kilot giymediğini düşündüm;fakat etğini çıkarınca anladım ki tanga giymiş.yani seval tam anlamıyla seks yapmak için hazırlanıp çıkmıştı otelden. Sevali yatakta sadece tanga ile görmek beni çıldırtıyordu bu yüzden bi süre onu öle izledim.daha donra ayak parmaklarından başlayarak emmeye başladım bacaklarını eme eme amına kadar geldim.amın çok fena şekilde sulanmıştı.önce elimle okşamaya başladım elimi amından akan suyla ıslatıp yarrağıma sürdüm daha sonra dayanamayıp amını yalamaya ve ordan akan bütün suyu içmeye başladım.gerçekten ben içtikçe onun amından akan su artıyordu.iyice emdikten sonra anladım ki seval artık ilişkiye hazır ve üstüne çıkmaya karar verdim.amı daracıktıbenim taze, seksi, ipeksi vucutlu escort, partner baynalar 21 santimlik yarrağımı içine almakta biraz zorlanıyordu o zorlandıkça aaahhhh aaahhhh sesleri çıkarıyor ve bu durumn beni daha da azdırıyordu.sonunda sikimi tamamıyla içine sokmuştum ve gidip gelmeye başladım.sevalin aaaahhhh ooooohhhh ,sonuna kadar sok sesleri beni iyice delirttiyordu.sonunda ikimiz de patladık ve üstüne yığıldım.ama ben doymamıştım henüz ve o da doymamıştı. Ben hemen kalktım ve sevali tekrar ilişkiye hazırlamak için yüzüstü uzandırdım.sevali o şekilde her yerinden yaladım ve sonunda götünün orda yoğunlaştım.götü yuvarlak ve dolgundu.gerçekten azdırıcıydı.ben dayanamadım ve göt deliğini yalamaya başladım.bu arada sevalin aaahhhh oooohhhh sesleri beni iyice tahrik etti hemen 69 pozisyonuna geçtik.ben onun amını yalıyordum o da benim yarrağımı.patlamaya an kalmıştı ki bana ağzına boşalmamı istemediğni söledi.bunun üzerine sevale domalmasını söledip ve hemen domaldı.arkasına geçtim ve ayaklarını bacaklarıma kepçeledi.böle olunca ben ne kadar sert darbeler vursam da kaçamıyordu benden.ben vurdukça yarrağım içinde büyüyordu yarrağım büyüdükçe seval aaaaahhhhh ooooooohhhhh sesleri çıkarıyordu ves onunda müthiş bi şekilde tekrar aynı anda boşaldık. yanına uzandım.yorgun görünüyordu fakat bunun yetmeyeceğini kendisini sabaha kadar sikeceğimi söledim.hoşuna gitti.ben hemen kalktım ve yarrağımı kaldırması için ağzına verdim.bu işte gerçekten profesyoneldi.daha önce bi çok defa sakso çektiği çok barizdi.yarrağım iyice kıvamını alınca sevali sırt üstü uzatıp altıma aldım.ve yarrağımı sonuna kadar amına soktum.bu esnada dudaklarını yalamaya başladım.yarrağım sevalin amında seyahat ederken dudaklarımda sevalin çilek kokulu dudaklarında dolanıyordu müthiş bi zevkti ve onun da zevk aldığı çok anlaşılıyordu.anleme sesleri çok uzun uzun ve yavaştı.aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. aaahhh aaahhh sesleri hızlandıkça yarrağımda sevalin içinde hızla gidip gelmeye başladı.ve nerdeyse taşşaklarıma kadar sevalin içine sokmuştum.iyice hızlandıktan sonra yine aynı anda boşaldık.ve beraber koyun koyuna sarılıp uzandık.daha sonra bişeyler içtik tv seyrettik.seval kendini toparlayana kadar ara verdik.ve gece tekrar sikişmye devam ettik.o gün Seval tam 7 defa boşaldı.ve sonunda beni tatmin eden bi erkek oldu demişti.

7 Kasım 2013 Perşembe

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It was dark and we’d been driving for about four hours when she said she wanted to stretch her legs. We still had about another three hours to go and I didn’t need to be in until tomorrow so we weren’t in any hurry. I free sex told her the next rest stop we came to I’d stop. About three more miles down the highway I pulled into a dimly lit rest stop and parked next to the small building that housed the bathrooms. She got out and walked around a bit before she headed into the women’s bathroom. I quickly picked up the trash we had accumulated throughout the trip and headed for the restrooms as well. After I tossed the bag of trash into the garbage Karen came out and washed her hands, smiling at me through the dirty mirror. I walked up behind her and wrapped free porn my arms around her waist as I kissed the back of her neck. She moaned lightly which echoed in the small tiled bathroom. I got a naughty idea. No one was around but us; I could mess with her easily and have my way with her. As we walked back to the car I slid my hands up her body to her breasts. It was slightly chilly so her nipples were already hard and pressed against her thin t-shirt. She turned around and embraced me as she pressed her soft lips against mine as we leaned against her side of the car. Our tongues roamed each other’s mouths. I slid my hands up her shirt and cupped her breasts. As our home free sex kissed continued I raised my arms up pulling her shirt up with them revealing her perfect tits. I leaned down and flicked my tongue around her nipples, teasing her with random touches as I lifted her shirt over her head. Between my attention and the chill in the air, her nipples couldn’t have gotten any harder. Her long brown hair fell to her chest and shoulders once the t-shirt was completely off. I pressed my body against hers again and kissed her. I could feel her breasts pushing against mine. She leaned forward and began to kiss at my neck working her way up to my earlobe. “I want you baby.” She moaned into my ear and pulled my shirt over my head. Once my shirt was off I opened the car door and got in, laying the seat all the way back. She looked down at me and smiled. We were both only down to our sweat pants. She climbed over me as she got into the car, her breasts hanging inches from my face. She sat in the drivers seat and leaned it as far back as it would go. As she did so, she reached back into her bag and after a few seconds of rummaging she found her dildo. “You came prepared I see.” “Well, if you got the job I wanted to celebrate.” “And what if I don’t?” “We’re still gonna have some fun Katie,” she said with a smirk, “Now we’ve gotta do something about those sweat pants though baby.” She started tugging at the waist but couldn’t get them past my hips until I lifted my ass from the seat. Before I knew it she had worked my pants down my legs and off my feet. I moved to take off hers but she told me she had something in mind for me. I quivered at the thought. She’s always been a little vixen and I don’t know why that surprised me as much as it did. She slid the pink marbleized free sex silicone cock over my shoulder and down to my chest, circling my hard nipples. She let the cool shaft graze over the tips of my nipples as she carefully and slowly moved the dildo down my body. As she reached my mound she turned her hand so the head of the fake cock rested right at the tip of my slit. She smiled at me as she pressed it against my lips, easily penetrating them and touching my clit. Waves of anticipation roared through my body and I felt myself grow intensely wet. She slid the dildo further down making sure my lips were surrounding the sides of the shaft and began to tease my hole. She pulled the cock up then pushed it back down, each time letting the dildo enter deeper into my pussy. She looked into my eyes as she worked the cock around my pussy, teasing me with it. The seductive look in her eyes told me she wasn’t going to stop until I came. I closed my eyes as I felt the cock penetrate me fully. It completely filled my tight pussy and I squeezed around it. She brought her other hand over and let her fingers to start a slow steady rhythm along my swollen clit as she began to fuck my pussy with the fake cock. My entire body rocked with the flow of the cock, causing the car to rock as well. My breathing had sped up and my moans grew louder as she pumped the dildo in and out of my pussy. She placed a finger on either side of free sex my clit and began to wiggle them. I was totally consumed in the pleasure she was giving me. I rocked my hips, fondled my own breasts, rolling my nipples between my fingers causing my climax to build. As my body writhed in the seat she read the signs and increased her movements. She pumped the cock in and out faster and stroked my throbbing clit harder with her fingers. I had gotten so loud I couldn’t hear her light moans anymore. Wave after wave of pleasure wracked my body until my orgasm reached its peak. I held my breath as it washed over me, my back arched and I pressed firmly against her hands. My entire body quivered as she slowly brought me down, easing her strokes until she was sure I was finished. As she leaned forward to kiss me she carefully removed the dildo from my wetness, wrapped it in the towel, and placed it back in the bag. After I caught my breath I brought the seat back up and pulled on my sweats and t-shirt. She’d already dressed watched me as I did. Our eyes met and she giggled, “That was for good luck.” “I don’t need any luck when you’re around. But I do think you’ll need to drive. I can’t feel my legs.” I handed her the keys and we were off.

4 Kasım 2013 Pazartesi

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Well i really don't know why I'm sending you this message. Maybe i just need an outlet so i can let go of a frustrating knowledge i accidentally learned. Just call me Eve since I'm a female. I grew up with my Grans in a small town while my younger step sister grew up with my mom. She is younger to me by 7 years. I am also living now in the city with my Mom home pthc sex and my step sister Jane. We live in a townhouse in Family compound where our relatives resides as well. Mom and i aren't that close i just live with her so i can be near to my workplace. Since my Dad dies when i was 6 i think she lost herself, she keep on having g diff boyfriends, some became her husbands. She doesn't even have time for me. After my dad dies she never spoke to me like before. Recently she married Bob, he is a business man like my Mom. He is nice to my Mom and to me, They seemed happy and i wish that he will be the last man for her. But one time i discover something. My mom was out for a seminar for days. It was Wednesday night and I was in our backyard trying out the video quality of my new Video Camera. I will use it for my work. Then i heard something in our garage so i peeked through the window. Right inside the garage i saw my cousin (just tag her as Liz) and a guy kissing, they move around and i was shocked to see that the guy is my step father. I didn't know what to do, but since i have my videocam with me i decided record what was happening. Just so in case i need a proof in the future. I recorded everything. Them making out, pedo pthc undressing each other, sometimes tickling each other. She sucked him first and then he licked her too. They do each other in different positions. Standing, 69, etch. It lasted for 35 mins. and i was there watching them like im watching my porns. My stepfather said she miss her so much and she replied she do to. I realized maybe they've been doing this secretly for long now. I know my cousin Liz is really in to married guys but i never imagined her cheating with my stepfather. she was my moms favorite among my cousins. though were not close i thought she respected my mom. Maybe not. I was worn out with what i discovered that night and i decided to stay in my room and take a day off the following day. But then i decided to confront my pedo sex cousin Liz about what i saw that night. I went to they're house, it's inside our compound too. She lives only with her Brother Tomas since they're parents stayed in the town. I knocked but no one answers, the door is open though so i decided to come in. I saw a note posted on their TV screen saying that cousin Liz is out and will be back in the evening. I wonder where she is and whom with. My blood boiled again with anger. i was about to step out when i hear a laughter. it sounds familiar.my curiosity strikes again and i followed the noise. It antalya escort led me to a room near the kitchen. the door is partly open and i once again peeked in. there i saw my Cousin Thomas doing a girl from behind. I decided to take a back and just go home but the girl spoke and said "Oh shit cousin fuck me more". That voice is so familiar. I looked back again and see a side view of the girl's face. Then i realized that's my Step sister Jane. I was stunned but i managed to ran out of the house without anyone noticing me. I cant believe what i have found out in just a night and a day. now i don't know what to do. I don't even know if i have to tell my Mom everything. Will she believe me? I know i have a proof but should i also tell him about my stepsister's relationship with my cousin? what would she feel? I don't even have courage to confront anyone of them anymore. Right now i just decided not to tell anyone in my family about anything yet. It's too much even for me. I am also planing to move out. I cant live with them anymore. Maybe not until the truth reveals.

28 Ekim 2013 Pazartesi

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We were an average family of five, well known and respected in the community. My Dad, Ravi, was a postmaster at the local post-office and my Mum, Rani, was a staff-nurse at the district hospital. Dad was then 53 and Mum had just turned 50. Both had fallen in love with each other many moons ago and brought three of us into this world. My eldest sister, Sheela, was 27, a dentist by qualification, recently married to a lawyer and happily settled down in Kuala Lumpur. My second sister, Leela, was 22 and home pthc sex in her third year of a psychology degree at the Science University in Penang. My name is Mohan and I was the youngest at 18. I had just started my first semester, pursuing a Chemical Engineering degree at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. Our home was located in the town of Tampin in the southern part of Malaysia. At that time, we stayed in a government house (provided by the government, since both my parents were working in the civil service) in a "civil-servants" neighbourhood. The house was a typical Malay-style house, built of wood with the front half of the house, built on concrete stilts. We had a large veranda in the front, leading to the living room. There were two bedrooms opening up to the living room - one was occupied by my parents and the other by my sisters. The two rooms shared a common, large attached bathroom (WC plus shower) - you had to walk down a short stairs to the bathroom. Then we had a utility room which we used as our prayer room. This was all on the front half. pedo pthc The back half was on ground level - from the upper front half, you had to walk down a short stairs to the back part, which comprised of two bedrooms, a spacious dining area, kitchen, store, a large bathroom and a drying area. The two bedrooms were at each corner, separated by the kitchen and the store. This was an old house, but still in pretty good shape generally. The outer walls of the house were made of thick, sawn timber, but the inner partitions (between the rooms) were thin. I occupied one of the bedrooms at the back and the other was used by my Grandpa before he died some years ago. This was now used by our live-in maid, Sundari. Sundari pthc was 50 (like Mum) and a widow, since the past 5 years. She has been our maid since I can remember and she brought us up. We fondly called her Aayahmah (literally translated as maid mother) and being the only boy around, I was her pet. Sundari shared a close relationship with my Mum. Her ex-husband worked as a labourer, but life was difficult for them and they could hardly make ends meet. They had a beautiful daughter, Mala, whose upbringing was financed by my parents' right from the start. Sundari, together with Mala, had moved into that room after her husband died (alcohol poisoning) more than 5 years ago. They became an integral part of our family and were very happy. Mala, a few weeks younger than me, had finished school and was now at a nurses' training college in Taiping. We were third generation Tamils in Malaysia and were Hindus by religion. We observed prayers, fasts and special days, as well as visited the temple regularly. pedo sex Neither Dad nor Mum smoked or drank alcohol. They were in perfectly good health (neither was overweight nor fat) and actually, looked much younger than their ages. They were careful about their diets but did not prevent us from eating anything that we liked. They were not really conservative but expected a certain discipline from us. The story to follow happened in late 1976. I had a 2-week semester break and decided to spend all the time at home. Campus was my first time away from home for a long period and I missed my parents and home. For the first week, I was going to be there alone with my parents and Aayahmah. My sister, Leela, who was also having a 2-week semester break, would only come home the following weekend, as she had some assignments to complete. I arrived home on Friday evening to the warm welcome of my Dad. Mum was away at a week-long refreshers' course in Kuantan and would be back on Saturday afternoon. I went to greet Aayahmah in the kitchen where she was preparing something for us to eat. She gave me a big hug and asked about my well-being. Over dinner, Dad was asking me about my course and the campus. He brought me up to date about Sheila, Leela and Mala - how each of them was doing. After dinner, Dad and I went up to watch the news on TV, where he also updated me about the latest news and gossips in town. Aayahmah had her dinner, put away the dishes and cleaned up. Around 11pm, I wished Dad goodnight and went to my room. I was feeling tired after the journey. As I went down the stairs, I saw Aayahmah sorting out the dirty clothes for washing. "Good night, Aayahmah. It's good to be home again," I wished her. "Good night, Chellam (translates as sweetheart in Tamil). Sleep well, you must be tired," she replied. As I lay on my bed, my thoughts were moving from one thing to another, not really focussing on any one subject. I had everything a boy could ask for - pedo sex I had a good family, I excelled in my studies and sports and I was liked by everyone. But I was a late developer as far as sex was concerned - I had only discovered masturbation when I was close to 16. That was when I saw my first Penthouse magazine, lent to me by my best friend. I soon started reading more about sex and making love - the Kamasutra fascinated me. And, I saw my first porno film (40 mm) when I was 17. But, at 18 I was still a total virgin. Sure I liked girls and had many girl friends at school and now, campus, but in our society many things at that young age were taboo. And, due to my late development in this area, I was also very, very ignorant. I never associated my family with sex for example. I never considered my Mum, Aayahmah or sisters in a sexual way. And worse, I didn't even think my parents were having sex - sure they had given birth to us, but I always assumed it was a task, not a pleasure (till I was 15, I still believed that the stork brought the babies from God to earth). Yes at 18, a very ignorant me. I dozed off to a deep slumber. Woke up late the next day and after a shower, I sat down to have some hot breakfast or rather brunch. Dad had left early for work and would be back at 5pm. Aayahmah sat across me and chatted with me. She asked me about campus, my studies and friends. I gave her all the details. I asked her how Mala was doing and she updated me. After brunch, I grabbed my bike and cycled to town. No particular purpose, but only to check if any of my former schoolmates were around. Not finding anyone, I cycled around aimlessly and then headed home. I told Aayahmah that pedo sex I will skip lunch and instead do some homework. She was busy downstairs with the washing and cleaning. Mum came home at 3pm. She looked as ever elegant in her nurse's uniform. I greeted her with a big hug. "Look at you, you have grown darker," she exclaimed. "Yeah, too much football under the sun, Mum," I replied. "How was your training course?" I asked. "Oh, the usual, boring refreshers' course," she answered. "Let me go greet Aayahmah and get changed," she continued. After she had greeted Aayahmah and exchanged some small talk, she went to her room to get changed. "I am going to lay down for a nap, tired after the long week" Mum said. "We will go to the temple later for prayers," she continued. "Ok, it will be nice to go with Dad and you," I answered. Dad came home at around 6pm - he had stopped for a haircut on the way home. Mum had already woken up, had a shower and dressed to go to temple. She greeted Dad with a simple "Hi, Athan, how are you?" (Athan is Tamil word which wives use to dearly call their husbands). Dad replied that he was fine and asked her when she had got back. She told him to go take a shower, as we were going to the temple.

18 Ekim 2013 Cuma

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I was right, he was impressed with me for bringing Janice to him and had since treated me much better. Frequency of my orgasm increased and I could feel more love when he fucked me, not just a cock ravaging a wet pussy. Yet what I noticed was my engrossment in our mad sexual life. It had completely turned from a blackmail into a willing co-habitation. I had turned from a rape victim into a thirsty and dirty slut. i would automatically return to his house after my school. He would come home at random timings and will fuck me. My family got worried and rang me up so many times I couldn’t be bothered to explain anymore. Joseph gave up on me for ignoring him for such a long time and found himself another gf 3 months later. But within these 3 months, so much happened between Peter and I. I got a shock of my life when I woke up one day. I couldn’t move a single limb. At first, I thought it was numbness I felt, then I realised that my limbs were all tied up, each to a corner of the bed such that I made an X shape. pedo sex I twisted my body around trying to free myself but immediately understood that it would never happen. “Good morning” he said in a low and sexy tone. “Hey, did you do this to me? Why?” I asked although knowing it was rhetorical. He was naked. He stood at the side of the bed around the level of my head and smiled at me. Somehow that didn’t frighten me at all, I kinda got used to his tricks and attempt of intimidation, in fact I am beginning to find it nice. His cock stood hard and up, my eyes followed his cock as it pedo sex moved its way up the bed, in between my spread legs, with his balls rubbing my stomach as his cock slid up my body. Before I knew it, his cock head was pointing right at my mouth. “Suck” he ordered. Obedient as I always am, I opened my mouth and took his cock in. My eyes looked up at him as I tasted his cock in my mouth. For the past week, his cock had been the first thing that enters my mouth in the morning. Anyways, he began rocking faster and faster. Before long, he was face fucking me real fast and moaning all over. He occasionally pulled out to let me catch my breath, but usually before I could even finish coughing, his cock was stuffed right back in again. I felt so miserable, trying frantically to catch my breath when he pull back for his next thrust. But what really frightened me was that I got wet from the shear act of sucking him. He haven’t even touched my pussy! He tilted my head upwards and lifted himself up and in a swift motion, he pushed his cock down INTO and down my throat. My eyes almost popped out. “mmmpphhhhhh….. ggrrrrmmmpppph” I choked. He didn’t seem to care and continue penetrating my throat. “Make more noise, I want you to speak into my cock. The vibration feels good on my cock.” Now I know why he was always so rough on my mouth- because when I do make noise, he feels better. - what a jerk. No matter how much I hate the way he treated me, I would just obey and followed his direction. I never question him during the session and after the session, I always feel too satisfied to say anything or I would have just been knocked out. Whatever the reason is I guess I am just a sucker to this man. Just before I thought I was getting a bad sore throat, he pulled out and moved down. He positioned his cock at my entrance and slapped it down repeatedly on my sensitive clit. I jerked as he did and my vagina began to get even wetter than when I blew him. he was essentially rubbing my pedo sex clit at pace so fast that I could cum from just that. Just before I could do so, he stopped. I looked at him with disappointment and he smiled. “You are such a cunt teaser”I jokingly said. SLAP! He landed his palm hard on my right. His firm muscle directed immense force onto my thigh I swear It numbed my leg. “OUCH!” I sobbed and became frightened. I had no idea how much our previous happy days were worth to him and how he might get crazy and begin to spread our sex videos around. “You don’t call me names you hear that?” he commented without expression. “For that, you shall be my subject of punishment this morning.” He got off the bed and walked towards the cabinet and opened it. “Holly fuck, I gasped.” That’s a crap load of sex toys. I have never seen so many such toys in my life. “Today, we shall do S&M.” I took out a few of them and put them on the make up desk. I didn’t utter a single word throughout, all the while enjoying the anticipation and uncertainty of the next second. “Let’s do this first.” He used Fifty Shades of Grey Vibrating Bullet and pressed it on my clit. the vibration immediately shot up my body, but as I pulled in my limbs, I then remembered I was completely restrained. I wanted to touch myself soo badly but could not do it at all. after about half a minute of clit play, he slot it gently into my vagina. I jerk again and my eyes rolled. He carefully positioned it there and pthc left. He returned with a pair of Fifty Shades of Grey - Adjustable Nipple Clamps and I stared at it as he pinched my nipples down with it. It felt painful at first but when it subsided the pleasure began to come in, it felt so good. It felt as if someone was constantly tickling my nipples. He walked away again. When he came back again, he untied me. “Turn around.” He commanded. I did. He spread open my legs from behind in the typical doggy position, placing his cock at my entrance. Then I felt a trickle of cold water on my vagina. No wait, it’s not, the water is on my ass. Before I could react, he pushed the object into my ass. “Ouch! Fuck! What’s that?” I screamed in shock. “It’s a butt plug, it’s to train you for our future exploration.” He let the pain subside and for me to rest. After a while, I realise that it was more because of shock than pain that I screamed. “So now, do you like it already?” he asked gently. “No, I am still not used to it, but I guess I will. It’s beginning to open up.” “Good, now you can take me in.” He said as he positioned himself at my back while I kneel back facing him. “ No wait, I am not…..” Before I could finish my sentence, he already slid his whole length into my pussy. Today was exceptionally fast and deep because my ass was being stretched and my skin did not interfere like it normally would. “eeerrrrgggghhh” I moaned as he ramped in. lucky thing was that it didn’t feel as pain because I was all readily lubricated inside and outside in fact, I must say that he did a great job in preparing us a great session ahead. SLAP! Suddenly, a firm whip slapped abruptly across my ass. “ Arrg!” I shouted. Immediately, pedo pthc a S&M ball gag strapped across my mouth from behind. “Shut up, you are too noisy”. I paused, felt pissed, embarassed and turned on all at the same time. “Argggghhhhhhhh mmmhhhhppp” was all that could come out of me by then. He continued using his S&M Whip to whip me while my cries got muffled by the gag. He rammed his cock into my vagina and pulled it out in swift motions. I was confused between the pleasure and the pain that ran through my body. I was quite sure the pain on my ass burnt into pleasure that made me even wetter. His thrust only became more and more smooth because I was only getting more and more wet. I closed my eyes tight and silently enjoying the pleasure so intensely. A while later he flipped me over to lie on my back. He lifted up my legs high up in the air and ramped his cock into hole. By this time, I could already feel his cock swelling up in my vagina. I lifted up my weak hands and wrapped around his neck, with a single pull he fell onto me. his lower body continued to thrust like a spoiled violent machine in and out of me. home pthc sex I came for the 3rd time and clasped my vagina wall tightly against his cock and squeezed it so tightly as he unload his semen in me. Last few minutes of the session was heaven, both of us just wrapped around each other and shivered. “Thank you” I whispered. **************************************************************** Thank you guys and gals for supporting me! Please also continue to support the company I am working in, probably one of the best Singapore online sex toys shop! I have been promoted and to thank all of you for your continous support, I have a discount code for you! Just key in LynnLammy when you check out of the link and you will get a storewide 10% discount! See you guys soon! Till then, continue having awesome SEX!

6 Eylül 2013 Cuma

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My name is Sonia; I am 32, married. My husband, Ashish, is a businessman, I am quite happy with my married life. I am saying quite because I don’t get fair amount of sex from him as he remains out of town for at least fifteen days in a month. Today, I am going to narrate the things I am doing for the last two years when he is out of town. I shall start from the beginning; it was March 2005. It was a Saturday morning and Ashish had a train in the afternoon so I was busy packing for him and the doorbell home pthc sexrang. I asked Ashish to answer the door as he was in the lobby and I was in the bedroom. When I heard Ashish giggling I wondered and went to check whom was he chatting with. When I entered the drawing room it was Sanjay, my younger brother. When he looked at me he greeted me “hi sis, how are you”. “How are you, I am doing fine” was my reply. Sanju was looking me from head to toe, then I realized that he was doing so because I was wearing a shear t-shirt and a shorts, which I generally wear at home, you know climate gets hot in this month. After this introduction I went in and first of all I changed into a pair of jeans and a graceful t-shirt then I arranged for some coke and snacks and went in again. pthc forum After settling down I came to know that he have some entrance exam tomorrow, near our place and he was going to stay here for the night. On the first thought it seemed ok to me but when I realized that as Ashish is going and it will be he and me at the night I a kind of got exited, I thought it will be nice as we can talk late at night as old times and will catch up the things that are happening at my native place. The time passed very fast that afternoon, before anyone realized the time to go to the railway station came. Sanju also accompanied us to the station. My mood was a bit off because we didn’t got time for a quickie, which we do every time when Ashish has a train in the afternoon, but it was ok. To be frank I don’t like the quickies, I love the long love making sessions. When we reached the station Ashish sent Sanju to call for a coolie in the meanwhile he kissed me deep in my mouth and along with that he fondled my tits by inserting his hand in my t-shirt from over my bra, his act made my cunt moist and I felt very sexy. In return I also pressed his semi erect cock from over his pants. After he was gone I drove back with Sanju sitting next to me. On the way we got some lunch packed as nothing was cooked at home. On reaching home, I showed Sanju his room so that he can place his things in there and get himself fresh before the food. I also went for a bath and got my self comfortable in my usual outfit that is a sheer t-shirt and a shorts, while I was putting those on I remembered the way Sanju looked at me when he came. I thought it was ok as he is a grown up man now, more over I also like showing my assets, what if he was my brother I let it go. After having the food, I went to my room and he went to his. I was watching tv, then after some half an hour or so he came to my room and said “sis, I am getting bored can I come and sit with you” I said “sure, I’ll love to chat with you, I didn’t ask you earlier because I thought you might be tired and need some rest.” Then he said, “I can even rest here, with you”. Then he came and sat next to me, on the bed, and both of us started to watch tv. Then after a ten mins or so he said’ little pedo “so sis, how are you. How’s life, its been long that we two sat like this and talked” I then said “ I am fine and happy, life is also going on smooth, you tell what’s happening on your end, how’s mom and dad”. “They are fine and so am I” was his reply. Then we started to chat about all the things, things happening at my native place, mom’s health, dads drinking problem and all the family stuff. After about an hour or so he all of a sudden asked “hey sis, why haven’t you guys planned a family yet” I then said “shut up, its non of you business” he then said “ its not me asking so, its mom who told me to ask you” then there was a silence for some time. Actually I was figuring out what to say, I wanted to say that my husband doesn’t fucks me enough, but I didn’t say anything. Then all of a sudden he took my hand in his hand and said “sis, you can tell me, I am your well wisher” but I still remained silent, as I didn’t want to lie to him but at the same time was not able to tell him the truth, if he had not been my real brother I would have told him the truth. Anyways I some how changed the topic and we again started to chat as before but he didn’t leave my hand. Some time passed by and I asked him about his life, his college life, and his girls. He told me all about his college life and about his friends and the things he and his gang does. But when is repeated the question about the girls, he after some hesitation started to tell a little, he was actually shying. He told me that, he had a girlfriend earlier but have broke up with her now actually she dumped him. He continued that after her he has not been steady or emotional with any one else. He then told me that nowadays he is going around with some girl, her name is Tanisha, she was her classmate in his graduation but at that time they were just friends and now they are quite close. I quickly asked “how close” he answered “very close” I again asked “are you serious with her or …” he then quickly answered “no not at all, we are just filling each other’s emotional and physical needs”. I then asked “you mean to say that you do with her” he didn’t wasted a second and said “ya, we do it quite often at her place, both of her parents are working and that gives us a lot of time to spend together.” I got a bit surprised and at the same time it also made me a kind of proud too that my brother is going good. The very next thing I asked him was that “so, Sanju how often do you two do” he answered “its like three to four times in a week”. With every passing question he was becoming more and more open and his shyness was vanishing and so was mine, I was also getting more and more involved in this conversation. Anyways my curiosity made me ask the next very obvious question that “so, tell me when did you last made love to her” he said “yesterday” I don’t know what happened to me that “wow that’s cool” came out of my mouth. This made him look straight to my face. Then he asked “sis don’t you make out that often” I wanted to say we do every night but truth came out of my mouth “no dear, he doesn’t have time and interest nowadays” after saying this a sad look came on my face and his too. Then he again looked in my eyes and we remained silent for some time. Then after silence for some time he again took my right hand in his hand, as he was laying on my left and said, “sis you are very beautiful” “what make you say this” was my question. He didn’t answer that instead asked, “now you tell how often do you guys do” it was just unbelievable that I was talking to my younger brother like this but it was feeling nice. I didn’t answered him instead I asked him to shut up and talk something else but he insisted and said “look sis I answered to all your questions and its now your turn, tell me, it all will remain between you and me. Now start else I am leaving.” Then he left my hand and started to move away. I then, took his left hand in my right one and stopped him and said “ok what ever you say” then he again got laid next to me and I said “ok now ask what you want to know, but if I ever come to know that you had disclosed anything to anyone, including Tanisha, I swear I am not going to see your face again” he then promised me that he won’t and asked “tell me how often and when was the last time when you did it” I after a pause said “ we hardly do it, its like once in a ten days, actually half the month he is out and on the rest of the days he is busy and is most of the time tired when he comes to home but its ok” he then said “its not ok” he then asked, “so when was the last time” I said, “last Saturday”. I then said, “I answered your questions, is it over now, lets talk something else.” He said “no its not over, I am getting angry at Ashish how can he do this to my sister who happens to be so beautiful and this is very unfare” I then asked “hey Sanju what’s the matter with you, you are finding your sister very beautiful today.” To this he said “ you are not just beautiful, you are very sexy too” I then asked him to shut up but he continued “you know you just knocked me out when I looked at you this afternoon, when I saw you in these shorts and t-shirt at that time.” he then added “as a matter of fact you are looking even more sexy now.” his words were hitting me hard, I started to feel nice and sexy myself. He then continued saying “ sis you have got a great body, any one can do any thing to get it, you have a pretty face, nice figure and above all tits to die for” I don’t know how but he was making me weak at my knees and on top of it I even felt my cunt getting moist. But I didn’t encourage him and remained silent as he was my brother and no sister should get wet by her brother. I wanted to stop this conversation and to ask him to leave the room but something in me was stopping me to do so. I think he was also getting exited as he now turned himself facing me and was eagerly waiting for something to come out of my mouth but I remained silent and he finally broke the silence and said “don’t you think so.” Then I said, “Sanju if someone else would have said so I would have slapped him.” He then took my hand to his face and kissed it and said “I love you sis” I again was clueless how to react so I quickly pulled my hand back. He then again, this time more boldly took my hand in his and kissed it again and then he came close to me and kissed me on my cheek. I then pushed him back but he seemed stop less, he again came a bit over me and took my face in his hands and tried to kiss me on my lips but I forcefully managed to stop him and angrily asked him to leave. Then he moved a side and laid silently for some time, I also moved a bit side and sat away from him. After about ten mins he started to apologize, I also forgave him fast. He then said “actually sis, the thing is I was feeling sorry for you and thought as I already promised you that all this will remain between us”. To this I said “Sanju, this is not done you are my brother and this is not allowed in our society.” He then replied “don’t give me this society crap, I know we are bro n sis but before that we are two humans, a male and a female who have their needs. I know you are not getting as much of sex you need, you know sex is the most beautiful thing in this world, I mean I was just trying to help you, which you admit or not you need.” He was now again turned toward me and I was also getting influenced with his saying. He then continued “sis do one thing forget that I an your brother for some time and let me do some to you after that, if you want I will never do any such thing or even think of such thing again.” He then came close to me, by now, my hormones were also a kind making me to surrender to him, and planted a quick kiss on my cheek. I think he was testing me. When I didn’t reacted to it in any way he got bolder and again took my face in his hands and kissed me full, this time I didn’t resisted but at the same time didn’t also participated in the act. Then after kissing me he again went to his place next to me. Then he placed his hand on my belly and moved it in my t-shirt, he then moved it farther up and reached my bra. On this I took hold of his hand and stopped him and looked in his eyes and asked him “Sanju are you sure, is it right” he then instead of replying kissed me in an answer. Then he got his hand loose form my grip and headed farther and pulled my bra up and released my tits, it felt nice. He then took my tits in his hands one by one along with that he moved his thumb on my nipples. My nipples reacted fast and became hard, my cunt also started to secrete the love juices. Then I turned my face toward him and he placed his lips on mine, I then opened my mouth and let him insert his tongue in my mouth. We then rolled each other’s tongue and he also started to chew my lips, it was feeling great, to be frank I now really wanted him to take me. He was now pressing my tits vigorously, and then he broke the kiss and took off my t-shirt in one quick swap. After that he took his mouth down on them and started to eat my nipples and I closed my eyes in ecstasy, he was doing it very nicely like an experienced man. By now he was like over me and I was a kind of feeling his cock growing on my bare thighs, when I felt it I opened my eyes to have a look of it, it was appearing to be big though it was still in his shorts. After eating my tits well he moved farther down and started to kiss and lick my belly and continued to move farther down when he reached my shorts he literally tore them down along with my panties. Now my wet cunt was in front of his lusting eyes. He then opened my legs by placing his hands in between my knees, by now I was totally in his control. He then dived his head in between my legs and kissed my wet cunt, it felt so nice that a loud moan came out of my mouth. This was the very first time that someone kissed my cunt, Ashish never did it, thought I have blown him a lot of time but he never ate me. Sanju was now licking my cunt and I was continuously moaning louder and louder. He too was enjoying my moaning, I was moaning with every lick. He was amazing he made me come real fast. Then after my coming, he didn’t stop instead he increased the speed of his licking and sucking, with every lick he used to suck my clit and believe me it was the best feeling I ever had. By now I placed my hand over his head and was also pushing his head down with every suck. I came again and then he stopped and looked up at me, his face was fully covered with my love juices and he looked very sexy. Then he came and lay besides me, and then he took off he shorts and his hard cock sprang up. I immediately took hold of it, it was big, bigger than Ashish’s and thicker too. Then I started to move it a bit up and down and he moaned. Wow, he sounded great, he then said “take it in your sweet mouth” and I did so. I moved down and took its big head in my little mouth, actually I was not used to such a thick cock, its head was even thicker. I then some how managed to take it in, pedo sex then when I rolled my tongue on its head he moaned loudly, this gave me encouragement and took it deep in my mouth and started to move up and down. He then took my tits in his one hand, as I was lying with my legs towards him and with the other hand he was playing with my cunt. After some mins I felt it stiffening, he was going to come, but I didn’t stop instead increased my movements, then with in no time he exploded in my mouth. I kind of got choked but some how managed to take it out and let his cum flow out of my mouth, some of it also went down my throat but it was ok, I was used to it as Ashish always make me drink his cum. Sanju’s cum was in large quantity. Then I reached his mouth and kissed him full and made him taste his cum too, which, Ashish never lets me do. Then he came to lie next to me and I was watching his cock getting limp but some semen was still oozing out of it. After ten mins or so he again got active, he whispered in my ears “sis that was the greatest blow job I ever had, though Tanisha does it but you are an expert.” Then I replied “Sanju you also ate me great and it was the first time that I got myself eaten.” To this he said “really, Ashish doesn’t eat you, if you want I can eat you every day and night.” On this I asked him to shut up, instead he kissed me again, fully. In the next moment he was fondling with my fully exposed tits along with the kiss. In no time I again felt fluid flowing from my crack and I whispered in his ears “take me”. He didn’t wasted a second and came over me, I opened my legs in his welcome, then he placed his thing in between my wet cunt and with a gentle push he inserted it in. pedo sex it was quite thick and I was not used to it and I had some problem taking it in, it was like paining but I was liking it. He, very soon got almost of it in me, his cock was touching the never touched places in my cunt. His cock made my whole cunt to stretch; it was like my cunt was full. He gained his rhythm very soon as an expert; I too started the cries of pleasure with his moves. It seemed as if he was getting deeper and deeper with his every stroke. He was now fucking me furiously, as if I was a whore, to be frank I liked this thought, to be his whore, I was getting out of control with pleasure. I next couple of seconds I felt coming, so I shouted, “Sanju, I am coming, I am coming” to this he increased his speed and I came immensely with a loudest moan. He was pumping me so good that as soon as I overcame my last orgasm I came again but he was unstoppable, I felt his cock getting bigger after I came he was also moaning loudly, I felt he was going to come but I didn’t want him to come so soon, I wanted to enjoy more. I think he read my mind because he suddenly stopped and took his cock out and made himself stop from coming. Then he asked me to come over him. I happily agreed. He then came to lie beneath me and I went over him. His cock smoothly slid in my now wide cunt. I was looking in his eyes and he was looking at his cock getting disappear in my cunt. Then I started the ride, initially slowly, and gradually gaining pace. As I gained pace he started to moan and I too felt good that I was able to make this hunk feel good. After a min or two of pumping his cock, he was in totally in my control and I was also getting hornier and hornier as in this way I was able to get more and more of his cock in me. He then pulled me down and took my tits in his mouth and started to suck my nipples one by one with every stroke of mine. He ate my nipples so violently and that felt so nice that I again came, when I came I stopped for a moment but again started to ride. Then after a min or so I again felt his cock growing bigger and getting stiffer, I knew he is going to come soon. So I starter to jump faster and asked him to come in me, as those were my safe days, then after a couple of more strokes he started to shout, like me “sis, I am coming, I am coming” on this I went down and kissed him on his lips and he came, he literally pushed me up in the air with his butt hanging in air. His cock in me became stiff and he came in at least ten spasms. It felt really very good. It was the best fuck for me till that date. After that, I came down with my brother’s semen flowing out of my cunt and his cock also had a layer of his semen mixed with my fluids on it. Then we laid there in each other’s arms in nude till night. Then at night after dinner and all we did it again. Then next day also and we are doing it every time Ashish goes out of town, it takes just one phone call for me and he comes immediately. He has also got broke off with Tanisha, and now he is only mine.

5 Eylül 2013 Perşembe


We had talked for a long time about our first time and what it be like and what I wanted David to do. By this time it was completely obvious that he was a submissive, he was comfortable with that, after some initial embarrassment and shyness. After a while he opened up and told me his feelings, he was relieved and I was then certain that my intuition had been correct. home pthc sex Being the dominant member of our relationship was entirely natural for me. It worked for us both. Yet, for all of our extended make-out sessions, the orgasms we gave each other and the deepening love we each had for the other, there was a tiny, lingering unease in my mind. We knew each others bodies and responses, we had refined pedo pthc our techniques through observation and quiet talking, and yet there was this unease that I felt but couldn't understand. I talked to David about it, reassuring him that I wanted to move on to this next stage in our relationship, he said little as usual, other than saying that he didn't feel anything like pthc unease, he just wanted for us to do it and get it over with. His penetration of me was the last of the great taboos that we had to deal with, it was like a keystone in an arch, what we wanted couldn't be realized without him being in my vagina. As I look back over what I have just written I can see a cool analytical detachment that might strike a reader as odd. That's just how I am, I consider and weigh up, then I talk about whatever it is that is the issue, but it didn't even minutely alter the decision that we made together. I wanted David in me and he wanted to be in me. We talked about the how and when. Mom and daddy had to be at least out, but preferably away. We had to be certain that we wouldn't be disturbed. I wanted the first time to be perfect, but without the rationalization of romance, no candles, rose petals, no sobbing violins. Just David and me, my vagina and his penis. He was worried that being his first time that he would ejaculate too soon, he was worried that he would hurt me. I didn't expect to be hurt as I had been fingering myself for years, once putting the handle of a hairbrush in, and I'd never felt anything like a hymen. When he fingered me he couldn't feel anything. I reassured him. He said the first time for him was a really big deal, that he was sure that he'd be nervous, he asked how I thought I would be feeling. I said I wasn't completely sure, but that I expected to feel a little detached until I got used to everything and settled into this next phase. Mom and daddy told us that a week after the party for my birthday that they would go to the west coast for a week, perhaps two. That's all they said. This was our time. The party came and went, they packed, David drove them to the airport and Mom said that she'd ring and catch up in a couple of days. She looked at me very directly and said quietly and carefully, be safe, and enjoy yourselves. A mother's intuition? Her eyes were tired. She kissed me on the cheek and got into the car. She didn't look back. Half an hour later David came back. He stood with his hands in his pockets and looked at me. We went upstairs to our room and undressed each other. I was wet but it didn't run down my legs: other than in fantasy, does it ever run down a girl's legs? We lay on our sides facing each other and kissed and caressed each other. We talked about how we'd do it, I explained that I wanted him to come into me pedo sex very, very slowly, so that in fifty years we could remember what the first time was like. David told me again that he was so nervous that he was afraid that he would come immediately or not at all. I told him that it didn't matter. I turned onto my back and opened my legs and guided him onto his knees between them, then, holding my lips open I reached for a hand mirror that I had ready for just this moment and whispered for him to put the head into my opening and then not move. He did that and I held him close and ran my hands down to his bottom and gently pulled him toward me. Nearly half an hour later, it might have been more or less, I'm not sure now, he was all the way in. I watched him gradually disappear into me until he was right up against me and there was nothing to see. I put my hands on his chest and pushed back a little, pedo sex he pulled out slowly, all the way out, my hands back on his bottom he came back in. Not so slowly. If the video cameras that are everywhere now had been available then I would have videoed it for us. He told me that he was feeling wonderful and that he wasn't going to cum too soon. In fact he didn't manage to cum in me for about three weeks, but when he did it was the culmination of all those years, his desire took over completely and he drove himself in and out as hard as he could. Even the first time there was no pain, no blood, all I felt was my opening being stretched as he went in. As the days passed and he became more confident we discovered new feelings, new rhythms, things to do that seemed to come out of nowhere. And yet for all the pleasure and intimacy, the fulfillment, I still felt a tinge of sadness, I didn't tell David for a long time until I understood what it was about: when he entered me for the first time it was like a door closing behind us, one through which we could not ever again pass, we had gone into voluntary exile, into a world that only we could occupy. Later I read a novel by an Australian author, Patrick White, The Aunt's Story. In the frontispiece there is a quotation from a South African author, Olive Schreiner... She thought of the narrowness of the limits within which a human soul may speak and be understood by its nearest of mental kin, of how soon it reaches that solitary land of the individual experience, in which no fellow footfall is ever heard. That summed up my final, lingering unease that I couldn't articulate then. We are still together, older now. We live publicly as brother and sister, we rarely see anyone other than our parents. We never had children.

1 Eylül 2013 Pazar


From remembering their own life experience or to watching their own children grow, most people recognize that the preteen years, ages nine to thirteen, can be one of the most awkward times in life-a period of tremendous physical and emotional change. At this age, youngsters are eager to kid sex leave the "kid" stage, yet are uncertain about what adolescence will bring; they'd rather listen to peers over parents, and hear all too often to "wait until you're older." Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul will guide kids phtc through this transition. Jack Canfield Jack Canfield earned his Bachelor's of Arts from Harvard and a Master's degree from the University of Massachusetts. he also has an honorary doctorate from the University of Santa Monica. Canfield has been a high school and university teacher, a workshop facilitator, a psychotherapist and a leading authority in the area of self esteem and personal development for approximately 30 years. Canfield is the founder and co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, which has over 36 titles, 53 million copies in print and is translated into over 32 pedo languages. He is the founder of Self Esteem Seminars in Santa Barbara, California, which trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and employees in how to accelerate achievement. Canfield is also the founder of the Foundation for Self Esteem which provides self esteem resources and training for social workers, welfare recipients and Human Resource professionals. Some of his clients include Virgin Records, Sony Pictures, Merrill Lynch, Caldwell Banker, Federal Express, Bergen Brunswig Pharmaceuticals and the American Alzheimers Association. In 1987, Canfield was appointed by the California Legislature to the California Task Force to Promote Self Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility. He is the co-founder of the National Association for Self Esteem, and a member of the association for Holistic Education, as well as the National Association for for Self Esteem, where he was also a past member of the Board of Trustees and the recipient of the 1993 National Leadership Award. He is also a member of the National Staff Development Council and the National Speakers Association. In 1989, Canfield was awarded the Certified Speaking Professional designation, an honor that is held by less than 5% of NSA's membership. In 1997, he was nominated by three of NSA's past presidents for the coveted CPAE designation. Canfield has appeared on such television shows as Oprah, The Today Show, 20/20, Eye to Eye, the NBC Nightly News and the BBC.

30 Ağustos 2013 Cuma


I was 11.My friend Ken who was 12 and I went to the same school and went for our summer holiday to my grandmas house in Hertfordshire. We shared a room with twin beds and got on very well.We went for bike rides,took a trip to St Albans and went for walks in the country,far away from the grime of Liverpool. One evening after we had gone to bed I realised that Ken had come over to my bed and his hands were moving under the bedclothes.He asked if he could come into bed for a while as he couldn't sleep.I agreed and we chatted for aboutpedo sex 15 minutes before the subject turned to sex.I felt his right hand reach down exploring my penis and testicles.The former grew in size,much to my surprise,whist he cupped my testicles in his hand gently. I was shocked,but enjoyed the stimulation.He asked me to do the same for him which I pedo sex did and immediately noticed how much bigger and firmer his erection was to my timid effort.He had much more pubic hair than I. He then asked me to turn on my stomach which I did.He started to caress my thighs,the top of my legs and my bottom crease.I think it was me who opened my legs,rather than he forcing them as I enjoyed the mixture of pleasure and pthc sex surprise.The pleasure feelings were unlike anything I had experienced before in my eleven years.He then mounted me with his hard penis rubbing up and down my anal crack. We then turned to face each other ,or genitals rubbing against each others. Suddenly he told me to lie on my stomach whilst he went to the toilet.On his return I felt his hands again on my bottom and a finger moist with something pthc sex push against my anus,gently ,but firmly.He whispered that he would be gentle and was using Vaseline ,but he wanted to put his finger as far into me as he could.Despite the Vaseline he found it difficult.My virgin anus was not used to such pressure and seemed to remain tightly closed despite his efforts.Then suddenly I somehow relaxed. and felt his finger go past the sphincter and move inside. After about five minutes of this he asked if he could try and penetrate me with his penis. pedo sex I turned on my side and remember thinking that as I had gone this far I might as well give it a try.I felt his thin,stiff penis move closer to my entrance.He once more used the Vaseline .I felt the head of his penis pressing against me ,supported by his hand.His other hand was feeling my penis and testicles,stroking my perineum.After about three minutes of gentle pushing he was inside me,the pain of entry making me gasp.After that though I felt only pleasure as he moved inside me.It was intense and unexpected pleasure which resulted in my first ever *********** .After that I felt limp,whilst Ken gently thrust in and out of my bottom,his penis never being completely withdrawn.I remember wondering when it was going to end,my own spent pleasure making me realise just what I had let him do ,regretting it and beginning to loathe to some extent the boy who had taken my virginity.Ken was seeking my ********* on my thighs were most of it had landed with his free hand,murmuring that he hadn't thought I would be able to do that. The gentle thrusting pthc sex continued ,Ken's breathing got heavier,I started to worry that others in the house had heard us.Suddenly I felt a warmth inside and Ken stopped his thrusting .He lay there still inside me for a few minutes .I felt his penis soften and gradually withdraw itself from me.He then moved back to his bed and went to sleep leaving me with mixed feelings of pleasure,of violation and of satisfaction. We never did it again and when we returned to school gradually drifted into different friendships.

29 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe


Well i really don't know why I'm sending you this message. Maybe i just need an outlet so i can let go of a frustrating knowledge i accidentally learned. Just call me Eve since I'm a female. I grew up with my Grans in a small town while my younger step sister grew up with my mom. She is younger pthc sex to me by 7 years. I am also living now in the city with my Mom and my step sister Jane. We live in a townhouse in Family compound where our relatives resides as well. Mom and i aren't that close i just live with her so i can be near to my workplace. Since my Dad dies when i was 6 i think she lost herself, she keep on having g diff boyfriends, some became her husbands. She doesn't even have time for me. After my dad dies she never spoke to me like before. Recently she married Bob, he is a business man like my Mom. He is nice to my Mom and to me, pedo sex They seemed happy and i wish that he will be the last man for her. But one time i discover something. My mom was out for a seminar for days. It was Wednesday night and I was in our backyard trying out the video quality of my new Video Camera. I will use it for my work. Then i heard something in our garage so i peeked through the window. Right inside the garage i saw my cousin (just tag her as Liz) and a guy kissing, they move around and i was shocked to see that the guy is my step father. I didn't know pthc sex what to do, but since i have my videocam with me i decided record what was happening. Just so in case i need a proof in the future. I recorded everything. Them making out, undressing each other, sometimes tickling each other. She sucked him first and then he licked her too. They do each other in different positions. Standing, 69, etch. It lasted for 35 mins. and i was there watching them like im watching my porns. My stepfather said she miss her so much and she replied she do to. I realized maybe they've been doing this secretly for long now. I know my cousin Liz is really in to married guys but i never imagined her cheating with my stepfather. she was my moms favorite among my cousins. though were not close i thought she respected my mom. Maybe not. I was worn out with what i discovered that night and i decided to stay in my room and take a day off the following day. But then i decided to confront my cousin Liz about what i saw that night. I went to they're house, it's inside our compound too. She lives only with her Brother Tomas since they're parents stayed in the town. I knocked but no one answers, the door is open though so i decided to come in. I saw a note posted on their TV screen saying that cousin Liz is out and will be back in the evening. pthc sex I wonder where she is and whom with. My blood boiled again with anger. i was about to step out when i hear a laughter. it sounds familiar.my curiosity strikes again and i followed the noise. It led me to a room near the kitchen. the door is partly open and i once again peeked in. there i saw my Cousin Thomas doing a girl from behind. I decided to take a back and just go home but the girl spoke and said "Oh shit cousin fuck me more". That voice is so familiar. I looked back again and see a side view of the girl's face. Then i realized that's my Step sister Jane. I was stunned but i managed to ran out of the house without anyone noticing me. I cant believe what i have found out in just a night and a day. now i don't know what to do. I don't even know if i have to tell my Mom everything. Will she believe pedo sex me? I know i have a proof but should i also tell him about my stepsister's relationship with my cousin? what would she feel? I don't even have courage to confront anyone of them anymore. Right now i just decided not to tell anyone in my family about anything yet. pedo sex It's too much even for me. I am also planing to move out. I cant live with them anymore. Maybe not until the truth reveals.

22 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe


Hello friends my name is rahul, and I am back with my new sex experience though with the same girl named riya. As I completed my Mba and was about to get a job in a steel company I thought to convey this news to my ex girlfriend. It was a long time I and riya brook up on friendly terms. was very annoyed with her wired style of living, though it was the sole reason of my attraction towards her, but slowly it started bothering me I asked her to change her loud living style a couple of time but this girl was so adamant that she made it more sophisticated and loud and eventually I had to left her and had to move on further. home pthc sex After our break up I use to think about her all the times. You guys might know about break up blues. I used to think about the times we spent together, about the time we made love to each other. We laughed, we played and did all short of mischief that on e does in his twenties, But I never imagined even in the wildest of my dreams that one day mine and riya’s relation would bow messed up so much.lae me tell u people at little bit about my life with my ex girlfriend. From now on I will dared her by her real name only as I have no fear in mentioning her original name although I had faked mine. This is how I am, U sees u can hate me for this but u cannot ignore this story. So I met this girl on face book and we chatted like friends and after a couple of months I somehow asked her her phone number on chat only. I had no idea that with my one request she would give her number to me. So in between chat I asked her ‘kya tum mujko pana number dogi? Kya? She asked.I replied baass…. pedo pthc Itna to chat kiya thoda suun to luuu ki thumari awazz kaise hai…to this she smile and asked ki flirt kerna chata ho kya mujhse… no no I said. I just want to talk to you there’s no such thing a sflirt. She said are sach bolo na… itni din ho gaye chatt kar raho ho mujhse aur abhi bhi jhot bolte ho mujhse,to this I said her ki darr lagta hai ki agar tum gussa ho gayi aur frendiship thod do gi to.……she said to tumne mujhe itin dion ye yehi phachahan hai kya? I kept quiet and after some minutes I replioed sorry? I don’t wan’t to lose you ……. She said why? I said I would only say this to her if she gives mu number and within a fraction of seconds her number was flashing on my web messanger.Ohhhhhhhh……….. What a move from my side. So I got her number. But somewhere down somewhere I was falling for her. A day without our chat me feel my day empty…. And I was always look to the watch to ring at eight o clock, this was her usual time to came online we use to chat till midnight. Life for me was like an angel gifting me with every happiness. Till it was late enough for me to realize that I got to left the professional world while she moved with her speed up upon the corporate ladder. After getting her number I saved it in my cell. The first time I called her my heart was biting a bit faster than usual. I went out of my house one evening and went to a solitary palce, so that I could not get disturbed with the surrounding noise. It was 7pm.Thursday I took my cell out of my pocket and stated surfing thru contact list to get her number. There I was with a fraction of seconds her number before my eyes my hand shivering. Although we chatted on messenger so much still I was going to dial her for the first time and I was nervous. So I dialed her number put the phone on my left ear, I was listening to the ringing sessions…it took her long to pick up my cal. Perhaps she too was apprehensive and nervous. And all of a sudden hello….. A sweet voice for the other side of phone greeted me…hello… Rahul,,…. And I was in seventh heaven, Form her voice it was clear to make out that she must be very beautiful and shy …I said yes riya.. How r unit asked …. Well n u ?was the reply…I said pthc I am good… and with that I was at a loss of words,,… what I should sac her…about her school.college,hobbies,family…every goddamn thing we discussed on chat. What else I thought as I started giving her compliments about her beautiful voice and predicated the probability of her beautiful face. She giggles d and asked to meet herein said..Hmm…kasha mina hai bolo....She said city center..Near her flat. I was amazed to hear that..I again asked her what if her parents caught. She said it’s nothing like that. She has many friends…n besides her family was very modern. So here I fixed my first date with my so called on line friend which I haven’t seen till now. We meet on Sunday at the food court in city center. It was 5.30 pm and I was dressed in black shirt. Blue spike jeans and canvass. I saw a girl with average height like 5’ was walking towards me clad in Capri and black leggings’ was like ohm. Man.. Thus cloud is riya.. pedo sex And within seconds my guess turned into reality. Riya came towards me in a very cool manner and asked them? R u rites ? By this time we made out that we have found each other. I replied yes and u r riya..Nice to meet usage here was the reply forms her. So I let her choose the table and it was 5th form the left corner of row and there we sat a started talking with each other. How come u finds me I asked her. She said she had already seen me in my collection of photos which I had uploaded on facebook.So I was sitting opposite to her and was looking at her face more often in between our chit chat. I complimented her on her beautiful face and her dressing sense to which she shyly thanked me. we chatted on various things like her if her aspirations and her living style to which I came to know that she hailed deform a very high family and her dad was a business man and she had a dream of making it high to the corporate world. Meanwhile the waiter arrived to take order to which this time I also asked the lady to do the honour. I got me chicken pizza and beer and she ordered herself a chicken pizza to…. With some cheese on it. We talked whilst taking our evening snacks and finally we left to salt lake to catch upon a movie. I was not comfortable with the movie idea as it meant another hole in née meager pocket money. But to my rescue she paid off foot the expense of movie tickets and clarity was a romantic movie to which I didn’t remember much as in am more into action mopvies,that too Hollywood one. I was resisting myself form trying to act as a pervert but her perfume was making my out of my sensed. And after one and half hour I touched her palm…… by making an excuse that whether she need to get fresh or what… to which she replied shyly she want to pee.Without making hae feel embrassed I took her to pee. Meanwhile I buyed some popcorne for us till she returned and after few minutes we were back to our seats enjoying the movie. She was feeling clod due to the Ac and asked me for the same to which I hald her palm on mine and hold it for few minutes to warm her. She smiled and didn’t say anything. We came out an s the movie ended and she asked me for dinner at her house. I was awe …after listening this. As I was so casually dressed and giving her parents so casually would be so embracing I said. She said she was alone as her mom and dad was out of town, then I realized on her idea of meeting near her flat. So we eventually arrived at her house, she quickly pushed me in and bolted the door. She had already prepared chicken and rice and forms the quantity one could easily make out that it was meant for 2 people only. We took out dinner and after that I asked her for her permission to leave to which she said’ are rook Maine to eke chizz tume deckhand Buhl hi gayi… I said what she put on the night lamp and switched off the lights. It was sexuality blue everywhere, I looked her man…she was locking angle. Mild blue light shining on her face made I sexier I couldn’t resist and took her into my arms and planted a soft kiss on her mouth. She responded to my kiss softly till it turned into a smooch. Soon we were on bed tightly hugged each other and I was upon her smooching her on her lips and some time all over her face. She was breathing deeply…hmmm….hmm….him….chore kya kar rhea ho…. Rites leave me..Please.. I was in no mood to listen besides her soft moaning was making me madder. She was in her night I pulled up her night up to her thighs and started kissing on them, my hand were unhooking her bra. I made her completely naked and she got up and unbitten my jeans while I unbuttoning my shirt. Within few minutes I was only on my uindies.She pulled that to and my 7 inch glowing dick because of the light it was glowing sprang out. She spotted on it and started moving her hands in to and for motion on my duckpin was enjoying my deepest. I was sucking mad biting her nipples in a very sexy manner and that was sparking her lust engine more. I asked her to leave my shaft and soon I made way to her poss. seated I in between her thighs raised than up in the sir and put my toung on her vaginal lips.woo….. Her vaginal sent weans making forget everything. There I was sucking a girl and was about to fuck to a girl I had I first date with that evening only. She had little hair on her pussy… I deeply penetrated into her aging through my tongue and soon she started oozing out love juices. I then came over her she was by this time literally shivering as I can see her naval termbling.she was kissing my earlobes mainly sucking it. I was aroused to the paramount and couldn’t hold it any longer I slowly started inserting my saliva dripped dick into her pussy.Sh…….she…. she was making a escapist moans and I started getting her stuffed with my dick.She was no virgin though she was tight as I find a little difficulty while getting it in. I leaned over her, took her legs on my shoulder and within few seconds I was touching the deepest point of her lovehole.her cunt was oozing lot of juices and it me a bit easy for her to subside her pain. Her pain moans as now turning into pleasurable moans. I started pushing her into to and fro motions slowly and steadily. I could’ hold it longer as she was bit tight. I chummed within few minutes and she too shivered and attained her orgasmic slept beside her and thanked her for such a lovely veining…She smiled and said she enjoyed too. Soon I put my cloths and went out of her flat to making way to my house and this very first love making memory our,you can say now a nostalgia…often made tears flow from my eyes. So coming back to my senses I was in a divagated state laying on my hostel bed. I took my cell and dialed her number, it was past two rings that she pitches up my phone and again ‘hello… rahul…. Rahul is that you…My ears were red hot by that time, I was clueless as she still has my number. Yes.. I a rahul hoe r u riya? Fine send usage dialogue was getting repeated making my memories more concrete and I checked with my voice and said I get placed at XYZ steel company. She said.. Ohm… congratulations..So u moved on finally. I spoke nothing. Again this time she asked me to meet her at city center. I was not willing to meet her form my mind but my heart was winning over my mind and I said ok.This Sunday at 5.30pm at food court. We met on Sunday and after everything we patch up on a friendship note to be friends forever.